My 2017 Vision Board

Two favorite memories would be the day I got photo with my novio (the black and white picture of me and him) and the day my novio gave my Christmas present (The black and white Michael Kors watch).

Three things I am grateful is my novio (a picture of him), my cousin that I call twin (a picture of her), and for my uncle that cares very much for me (a picture of me and him)

One hard lesson I learnt this year would be to keep an open mind (the unlocked lock)

One thing I did this year and I’m proud of is I did my confirmation (the dove with fire).

Three place that I want to go to are Las Vegas, Malibu, and San Francisco (The three colored stamps.

Two things that I could help in would be donating money to the St. Jude Children’s hospital (the logo of St. Jude Children’s hospital) and donate my hair to Locks of Love to help the cancer patients get wigs.

One thing I want to get better at is editing videos and pictures (Photoshop and Adobe Premiere icons)

Two things I am looking forward to this year is driving (the car) and getting my license (DMV logo)

Three things I want to try buy my own car (the black Honda) get a job (the find a job logo) and buy the Michael Kors bag I’ve been wanting (Michael Kors black bag).



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