Peer Portrait Critique

Describe: this is a photo of a girl with long brown hair, seems to look like a Latina, wearing a off red type of hoodie, and is looking to the left.

Analyze: I think the photographer used an open shade kind of lighting. Seems like the photographer also used a 200mm lens , the rule of thirds applies to this photo because her eyes are in the top quadrant. this photographer also simplified the background really nicely are used maybe an aperture of 8 f-stop.

Interpret: I think this photo gives off a concentrated mood/tone because of the stare she gives away from the camera. Her eyes seem honest and as if she was not being photographed. The photographer did a really nice job on capturing the real her. Now I don’t know her but I can tell that this photo that she has a story unknown like everyone else’s

Judge: I think this photo could have been better in the sense of removing her blemishes. Yet that’s also what I love about it, its not fake its the real her. The wind in her hair gives the photo an empowering look and her eyes seem determined.


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