Hey y’all…some of your grades aren’t looking so hot.  You will need to use today’s class time to complete AT LEAST ONE photo project from the ones listed below (most recent photo projects). I may also call students individually to meet with me in a breakout room to discuss your grade.
  • 2 Double Exposure Project
  • Light and Shadow Photography
  • Edit 6 Photos
  • Photo “Shoet”
  • Rules of Composition

Those who are COMPLETELY caught up can work on the following:

  • Watch the panoramic cloning video that is due today: it has one question to answer at the end. You get extra credit points just for completing this! Links provided below…


  • Create a clone photo! First, watch the rest of the cloning videos provided in the “no due date” area.  These provide more techniques and ideas for cloning, including one that uses double exposure to do it instead of panoramic mode.  You have until Friday to turn this in for MORE extra credit points!  You can begin today by writing down ideas or actually experimenting with the techniques. Links provided below…

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