Tuesday 11/17/20: Photo Challenge/Contest: Silhouettes!

Due: Monday 11/23/20

Silhouette Photography

Silhouette photography is a wonderful way to convey drama, mystery, emotion and mood in a picture. A silhouette is defined as a view of an object or a scene consisting of the outline and a featureless interior, with the silhouetted object usually being black.

Step 1.  Watch this YouTube video tutorial:

Step 2. Read this tutorial for more tips: How to Take Stunning Silhouette Photos With Your iPhone (website)

How To Take Stunning Silhouette Photos With Your iPhone (PDF File)

Step 3. Take some silhouette photographs!  Tip: If photographing outdoors, the light is much better at the beginning of the day or near the end of the day.

Step 4. Edit your silhouettes using Snapseed.

Step 5.  Choose your best silhouette photo to submit in Teams!

This is an assignment AND a contest, so good luck! (You’re only competing with this class!)

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