Tuesday 02/02/21: Pop Quiz w/ Groups + Your Photo Portfolio

Today’s Agenda:

  • Camera Angles Pop Quiz in Breakout Rooms
  • Adding to your photo portfolio
  • Catch up on missing work-My Toy Story, Flipgrid, Getting to Know You

Camera Angles Pop Quiz!

You will collaborate with about 5 other students to complete the Camera Angles Pop Quiz together.  You will each have your own Form but will be asked to enable your video and/or mic so you can discuss the answers.

The quiz Form link will be provided in the chat of your assigned group. Do not submit your answers until your whole group is ready to do so as well!

We will go over the answers together as a class afterwards.

Your Photo Portfolio

It’s time to start adding to your photo portfolio that you created on Padlet!

  1. Your “Getting To Know You” Photo(s)- explain the project in the text
  2. Your best “My Toy Story” Photo(s)- explain the project in the text

After you update your photo portfolio, share it in the “4_Questions and Discussions” channel on Teams! (To share: click on “share” icon on the top right, then select “copy link to clipboard”. Then right click and paste (CTRL+V) into the channel mentioned.)

If you haven’t created it, here the video that shows you how:


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