Wednesday 8/25/21: Camera Angles and Photographer Videos

Today’s Agenda:

  • Camera Angles PowerPoint with Notes
  • Viewing Photographer Videos-Spotting Camera Angles
  • Blog Post Reflection

Introduction to Camera Angles

Camera Angles PowerPoint

What are camera angles?  What are the 6 main  kinds of camera angles?

Take notes on a sheet of notebook paper or type onto a Word document.  Save your notes, they will be checked off at a future time (along with your 4-step critique notes).

Photographer Videos

Join my Edpuzzle account with the link below. It’s not mandatory but it helps to join in order to view the videos properly. I also will provide the YouTube links below the videos.

Laura Zalenga_YouTube Version


Humza Deas_YouTube Version

Blog Post Reflection:

Create a post on your photo blog and answer these questions there.  Title the post: “Video Reflection”.  Copy the link to your post and submit it in Teams.

  1. Give a brief description of the type of photography that each of the photographers in the videos creates.
  2. Which photographer (or type of photography) did you relate to the most?
  3. Was there anything in the videos you found surprising or especially interesting?
  4. What questions do you have for either of the photographers?

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