Wednesday 9/8/21: “My Toy Story” Gallery Walk!

Today’s Agenda:

  • My Toy Story Gallery Walk!
  • Complete yesterday’s assignment and experiment-turn in notes on Teams
  • The Canon Camera Parts Assignment (IF we have time today)
  • Study for tomorrow’s quiz
  • REMEMBER: we have a quiz tomorrow on camera angles, 4-step critique, and editing tools!

My Toy Story Gallery Walk Instructions:

Leave a sheet of notebook paper on your desk and have your My Toy Story blog post up on your computer screen.

Take a pen or pencil with you when you get assigned to someone else’s seat. (Leave the paper!)

Take a look at the project your classmate produced. You may need to click on images to view them larger (we are still experiencing some glitches on this, so some may not enlarge).

Leave your classmate feedback according to the prompts written on the white board.

You will do this for at least two classmates.

Yesterday’s assignment can now be turned in on Teams.

The Word document includes the fill-in-the-blank definitions, the internet photo examples, and the questions from the DSLR simulator experiment.

The Canon Camera Parts (may be postponed until Friday)

Open the Canon Camera Parts document below.  Then open the Canon Camera assignment on Teams to fill out the questions with the correct camera parts.  You must get a 100% on this before you can start using DSLR cameras in the classroom.

The Canon Camera Parts


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