Tuesday 8/30/22: Intro to Lightroom Editing Part 2

Today’s Agenda:

  • Intro to Lightroom Part 2

After you complete the 3 tutorials from yesterday, move on to:

Lightroom Editing Part 2

Due: by Tuesday 8/30/22

  1. Select 3 photos that you’ve taken and that you have saved on your One Drive (preferably unedited).  Otherwise, select 3 different photos from the sample folder link from Part 1.
  2. Edit the 3 photos.  It’s up to you what adjustments you use for: lighting, white balance, and color saturation.
  3. Save/export the edited photos as a small JPEG file and select the folder you want to save it to.  (See screenshot below).
  4. Create a new post on your blog: “Intro to Lightroom”
  5. Explain to your viewers what you learned about editing in Lightroom today.
  6. Upload the before & after photos you selected to edit on your own (I suggest uploading each before & after as a gallery of 2 on the same post).
  7. After each before & after set, explain what you adjusted on that photo (what lighting, white balance, or color saturation sliders did you use?)

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