P.4 Three-Point Studio Portrait Lighting

Make 3 portraits with each of the following set ups.  Experiment with quality, direction, and intensity of light.  Also explore various poses and other ways to evoke emotion or drama!

Camera settings: 1/200 shutter speed, low f-stop number, lowest ISO possible- but can be increased to 400. (If you need more exposure, increase intensity of the lights.)

  1. Back/hair Light Only
  2. Key Light Only
  3. Key + Fill
  4. Key + Fill + Back Light

Edit your best 3 for each set up and post to your blog, titled “3-Point Portrait Light Set Up”.

I recommend making the portraits black and white to begin editing, then you can return saturation or keep them that way!

Three-Point Portraiture Lighting

Fill Light Photography Guide-great examples!


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