Monday 12/7/20: Work work work work work

Today will be dedicated to getting assignments and photo projects completed and turned in. Below is a list of recent assignments and projects to work on:

  • Frozen Action Photos (due today)
  • Silhouette Photo (past due)
  • Shutter speed review document with online examples (past due)
  • College Applications and Class Enrollment (complete apps before winter break!) College Application Steps with Links
  • Those who already enrolled in my Chaffey class last year, you just need to create a new post on your old class blog featuring 6 of your best photos from last year and a few from this year if necessary. If you didn’t sign up for SBVC last year, you can do that this time around (and get the extra credit from me)!
  • Photo Essay Topic Idea Submission (past due)
  • Extra Credit Photo Challenge (due Dec. 11th) Choose ONE of these photo challenges for extra credit

*Silhouette Photo Challenge Contest postponed until further notice.*

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