Category: Advanced Photo Assignments

Extra Credit Photo Projects! Get ’em while they’re hot!

So your grade isn’t looking too hot because you have missing work from 3rd quarter? First, make sure all your 4th quarter work is complete and turned in. Then you can pick ONE of the following to make up your past missing work. Some options come with resources, others you may have to do a little research on your own. 😉

Must be turned in by May 15th!

Product Photography: Click here for more info/examples/tips

  • Photograph a product of your choice in the classroom, at school, or at home.
  • Take a minimum of 15 photos of the product. Make sure your focus is sharp and lighting is adequate.
  • Choose your best 2 photos to edit in Lightroom and post on your blog.
  • Include settings in the captions and a gallery with all 15+ shots.

Meticulous Photography: Click HERE for more info…Or click HERE for more examples

  • Choose a theme with items.
  • Experiment with precise and even configurations and with the direction of light.
  • Take 10 photos. Besides lighting, make sure you’re also getting a perfect bird’s eye view (top down view), with no tilt.
  • Edit your best one. Post it along with a gallery with your other photos. Include settings in the captions.

Trapped in a Jar: Click here for more ideas

  • Take at least 3 photos of a glass jar, vase or container…use adequate lighting.
  • Take another photo or use a photo you’ve already taken and use layer masks in Photoshop to put it together.
  • Edit the result and post on your blog. Include all the original photos in a gallery.

Forced Perspective: Click here for more ideas!

  • Take as many photos as it takes to get a successful and believable shot.
  • Edit your best one and post along with a gallery with ALL your other attempts.
  • Include settings in the captions!

High Key Portraits: Click here for examples..

Click here for light set-up examples

  • This one must be done in the class “studio”.
  • Take at least 10 photos.
  • Choose best one to edit and post, along with a gallery with all your shots. Include settings in the captions!


Friday 5/3/24: Practice Test #3: Shutter Speed and ISO

Today’s Agenda:

Framing Device Photo Challenge

Today’s Agenda:

Photo Challenge

Due: May 6th

*Complete the Subframing Video & Questions FIRST!!*

Take a series of photographs with a VARIETY of framing devices and subject matter. You can gather items or seek out some natural frames.

Remember that framing devices are used to guide the viewer’s attention to a focal point in your image.  So you need something to frame, don’t just shoot through a frame at nothing! Subject matter can include a landscape, a person, a pet, a flower, an item of interest, etc.

Put a little thought and creativity into this!  Maybe even sketch or write down some ideas first…

  • Select your best three to edit in Lightroom.
  • Post on your blog as a gallery (medium size + link to media file) and title the post, “Framing Device”.
  • Include camera settings in the captions. 
  • Publish and copy link to attach in Teams assignment.

Here are some student examples:

P.4 Thursday 4/25: Practice Test #2: Exposure, Aperture, & Depth of Field

I’ll be back in the classroom tomorrow. If you plan/hope to check out a camera over the weekend, please read my post in the Miscellaneous channel on Teams today!!

Today’s Instructions:

-Do this first: Take “Practice Test #2: Exposure, Aperture, & Depth of Field” located in Teams. There is a PowerPoint attached that you should open separately before you begin because this test is timed at 45 minutes once you click it open!

Providing the PowerPoint here as well, just in case:

PowerPoint: Aperture and Depth of Field

-After today’s practice test: you can continue working on any missing assignments that don’t involve taking photos outside of the classroom.

Get your Chaffey College Credits for this Class!

Step 1.

If you’ve never applied to Chaffey Community College before, click this link to get started:

Application for Admission to College (

Open this PDF document with step-by-step instructions, starting on page 4:

College App – Chaffey PowerPoint pdf


Step 2.

If you already have a Chaffey College ID (or once you get one via email after applying) follow the instructions here to get on my CATEMA roster:

CATEMA Directions-PDF

Professional Photographer Website Analysis

Professional Photographer Website Analysis-Blog Post Assignment

Jeff Thatcher Photography

Due: Thursday 4/11/24 before end of the period! Late turn-ins not allowed!

Click this link with questions you’ll need to answer on your blog:

Professional Photographer Analysis

This photographer will present in class this Friday. He is a photographer for an aerospace company during the week and he has a wedding photography business that he does on the side. For this assignment we will analyze his photography business. 🙂

Once you publish your post answering the questions in the document, turn in the link on Teams.


  1. What is the first thing you notice on the home page? Describe what you see.
  2. Read the intro on the home page then click on the “About Me” tab to get to know the photographer a little better. What can you tell about the photographer so far?
  3. Click on the “Photographs & Wedding Films” tab. Browse through all the photo galleries: Wedding, Engagement, and Family. How would you describe his style of photography? What are some words/adjectives/aesthetics that come to mind?
  4. Before the next step, I want you to make some guesses first. Don’t peek! How much do you think the photographer charges to photograph a 60-minute couple’s engagement shoot? How much for a 6-8 hour wedding shoot?
  5. Click on the “Brass Tacks” tab. Scroll down to see the estimated prices, what are they? How close were your guesses? Did the prices surprise you in any way?
  6. Besides the photo shoot itself, what other work/skills do you think goes into running a photography business? Make a list.
  7. What questions do you have for the photographer? List as many as you can think of!
  8. Select a photo that you think is really great. If you want, you can also check out his IG for more photos (@photography). Take a screenshot to save as a JPEG and upload along with your answers to the following questions:
    1. Describe: What do you see in this photo? List absolutely everything you see!
    2. Analyze: How do you think the photographer captured this shot? What rules of composition/ camera angles/lighting/camera settings/framing are being used? How would you describe the editing style?
    3. Interpret: What can the photo communicate? What was the photographer trying to show us? Do any emotions come to mind? Is there a story being told? Does it remind you of anything?
    4. Evaluate: What do you think makes this photo great? Why did you choose this photo?