Friday 10/29/21: Ghost Gallery Walk

Today’s Agenda:

  • Ghost Gallery Walk
  • Complete Past Due Assignments
  • Coming up next week: Rules of Composition in Photography

Ghost Gallery Walk

Go to your blog and click on your light painting and ghost blog post.

We’ll walk around to take a look at what everyone created.  Feel free to stop at a computer to click and enlarge a photo for better viewing.  Then click the back button so it goes back to the blog post before you proceed.

We won’t leave any feedback today, we just want to appreciate each other’s work and efforts. 🙂

Tip:  Before we begin, edit your blog post and make sure your photos have been changed to media file!  I would also make sure they are displayed as individual images and not as a gallery so they naturally appear larger on your blog post.

Just for fun, some of my past Halloween costumes…

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