Thursday 11/4/21: Rule of Thirds Landscapes

Today’s Agenda:

  • Rule of Thirds Landscapes
  • Spooky Photo Entry Prizes (Periods 2 & 6 only)

Rule of Thirds Landscapes

Objective: Practice placing subjects of interests off-center using the rule of thirds.


  1. Use your phone or DSLR* camera to capture “landscape” shots using the rule of thirds.  It doesn’t have to be natural landscapes so campus scenes are fine!
  2. But remember the objective: find a point of interest and align it to one of the vertical grid lines or at an intersection point!
  3. Try to align your horizon to one of the horizontal lines as well!
  4. Edit your best 3 shots on Photoshop or using your phone editing features.
  5. Don’t forget to explore various camera angles with your scenes.
  6. Post to your blog as a gallery in medium or large size.  Submit to Teams by Monday Nov. 8th.

*If using a DSLR I recommend using Aperture Priority mode (Av) and using a mid-range f-stop (about f8-f10, or higher) so you have a wide depth of field (long range of focus). And as always, the lowest ISO possible.


Spooky Photo Entries

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