Wednesday 9/21/22: Toy Stories Peer Critiques

Today’s Agenda:

  • Complete your Toy Stories Project and turn in on Teams
  • Complete missing work
  • Toy Stories Peer Critiques

Toy Stories Padlet Gallery Wall Instructions:

Choose your best toy photo to post on the Padlet gallery wall along with the link to your blog post. Then follow the instructions on the critique instructions below!

Step 1: Go to Teams & open the first channel (“Class Blog and Padlet Links”) to locate the Padlet link for your class period.

Step 2: Add your entry to the gallery wall on Padlet:

  1. To add your photo & link, locate the circle with the plus sign (+) on the bottom right.
  2. In the Subject area type your project title + your name.
  3. Use the first icon to upload your favorite of your 8 photos (one photo only!).
  4. Once it loads, copy and paste the direct link to your project blog post underneath (where it says “write something…”)…NOT in the caption of the photo!
  5. Then click Publish on the top right.

Click the screenshot below to see the steps and an example of what it should look like when published:

Step 3: You might need to wait a few minutes until others have also uploaded their photo & project link. Then click on the links to check out all the projects! Remember that the password to view other blogs is: photo.

Toy Stories Peer Critique Instructions:

Choose two classmate’s projects to critique.  THIS TIME, YOU WILL LEAVE YOUR CRITIQUE IN THE COMMENT SECTION OF THEIR BLOG POST!  You will need a screenshot of your two critiques to turn in on Teams. (Use the snipping tool and save as a JPEG).

Here is what your critique needs to include:

  1. Which photo caught your attention first, or which do you like the most? Why?
  2. Which photo has the best composition and why? (Composition is the arrangement of ALL visual elements and subject matter in the photo, as well as what they chose to leave out.)
  3. Evaluate their camera angles and let them know which ones are missing or need improvement:

Take a screenshot of each of your critiques to turn in on Teams! 

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