Wednesday 11/8/23: Padlet “Gallery Walk”

Today’s Agenda:

  • Check your grades on Q!
  • Padlet “Gallery Walk”: Symbolic Portrait w Shallow DOF

Padlet Gallery Walk: Symbolic Portrait w/ Shallow DOF

Part 1- Due NOW

Go to the Links Shortcuts channel on our Teams and click on the Padlet link. Click on the circle with the + sign on the bottom right to contribute:

Subject: your name

Click the file icon to upload the photo of YOU holding your item.

Then copy and paste the link to your Symbolic Portrait blog post in the area where you type (not in the caption, under that).

Part 2- Due by Monday Nov. 13th

Take a look at all the symbolic portraits posted in Padlet. Give a like (heart) to the ones you think the best job in fulfilling the project criteria.

Now, select another student’s blog post link, it can’t be the person you worked with and choose the photo you like best on their Symbolic Portrait blog post.

The password to view it is: photo

Answer the following questions on a Word document, which you’ll turn in to me when you’re done:

  •  Describe: what do you see, literally. ONLY what you SEE. No opinions or judgements.
  • Analyze how they made the photo: What camera angle did they use? What rule of composition did they use? Or how did they use the space in the frame? What f-stop did they use (it should be in the caption)? What elements of art are demonstrated (color, contrast, texture, shape, form, etc.).
  • Interpret: what is the photo about? What are they trying to express with their item? Does the photo have a certain vibe or mood?
  • Evaluate: How did they do? Did they fulfill all the criteria for the project? Did they achieve a good shallow depth of field? Or do you think they could have improved the shallow DOF? If so, explain how. Is there anything else you really like about this photo? What could have made it even BETTER?

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