1/22/24-FAMOUS PHOTOGRAPHER PROJECT: Pacing for this week…

Today’s Agenda:

  • Continue working on your photographer research PPT and aim to get through slide 8 today. Check the pacing for the rest of the week below.
  • Choose a photo by your photographer to replicate/re-make.  Let me know which photo by tomorrow 1/23/24!
  • You can check out a DSLR camera any day after school unless you want to use your smartphone camera.

***Note: Do not simply cut & paste information into your PowerPoint presentation. Simplify your information and type it in your own words. You won’t be allowed to read from your slides during your presentation.***

Famous Photographer Project Instructions

Pace for the rest of the week: (Take your photo recreation sometime this week!)

  • Tuesday: Slides 9 & 10, post the photo you want to re-make on the Padlet gallery wall (link in Teams!), put your name in the subject heading.
  • Wednesday: Slides 11 & 13 (I will be here after school on Wednesday if you need to use the classroom computers or camera equipment.)
  • Thursday: Edit your best photo re-make for slide 12. Include the original so we can see them side-by-side.
  • Friday: Look over all your slides and fix any mistakes. Make sure all info is in your own words!! Turn in your PowerPoint presentation on Teams.

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