Friday 9/11/20: Rules of Composition-Rule of Thirds

Objectives of the day:

-Define what composition means in photography.

-Define the rule of thirds.

-Explain how found photographs use the rule of thirds.

-Create photos that utilize the rule of thirds with landscape or outdoor scenes.

Today we will begin learning about the Photographic Rules of Composition!

We’ll begin by taking a few notes on the Rule of Thirds!

Rules-of-Composition_Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds PowerPoint Assignment:

Find photographs on the Internet that demonstrate the rule of thirds.  You may use Google Images or stock photography from the following sites: Pexels, Barnimages, Pixaby or Stocksnap.

The photos should be copied and pasted onto the PowerPoint slides provided for you in our Teams assignment folder.  The PowerPoint will tell you what type of photo to paste into each slide.  You will also have to explain how that photograph is using rule of thirds.

Rule of Thirds Photo Project: Due by Monday 9/14/20

1. Find a landscape that makes you pause to enjoy the view and take three minutes to simply observe how the horizon divides the scene and answer this question: What do I want my viewers to focus on?

2. Look through the camera and apply the rule of thirds by placing the horizon on either the top or bottom horizontal thirds line. Likewise, vertical elements should be placed on the vertical thirds lines. ​

3. Repeat this exploration with two more landscapes within a five minute walk. ​

4. Choose your best three shots and edit with your mobile phone  or the free Snapseed app.

5. Create a collage of three edited shots using your phone or the PicCollage app. Watch these YouTube videos which show you how to do this: Phone collage, PicCollage app.

5. Go back to Teams and turn in your collage to the Rule of Thirds Photo Project folder. Provide a brief description in a Word document where you explain how each photo uses rule of thirds and a reflection on:

The hardest part of this assignment was…..because….


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