Thursday 12/2/21: Pop Quiz + Revision of Semester Plans

Today’s Agenda:

  • Discussing end of semester
  • Lighting Patterns Pop Quiz
  • Extra Credit Anyone?

Monthly Challenge #3 will serve as your final project for the semester!  These photos should demonstrate your best skills and effort.  So show me what you got!

We will still have a final quiz but it will be worth formative points instead of summative. The quiz will cover mostly camera settings with a little bit of camera angles, rules of composition, and the lighting patterns we just learned about. I provided study materials in the Important Links channel on Teams.

Lighting Patterns Pop Quiz!

Head over to Assignments on Teams to complete the quiz! It’s only 6 questions. 🙂

Extra Credit: Create a portrait for each 6 lighting patterns at home using a DSLR camera and one light source. You can use yourself as the subject if you like (tripods can be checked out along with a DSLR camera).

Edit and post to your blog. Caption with camera settings and title with the lighting pattern in demonstrates. Send me your blog post link in the Questions and Discussions channel on Teams.

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