Thursday 12/2/21: Revision of plan for the next 2 weeks…

Your monthly challenge #3 will be considered your “final project” for the semester.  Your photos should demonstrate your best skills and effort.  I am also adding one requirement to it…

You must purposely use a different rule of composition in 3 of your photos.  When you post your photos on your blog, include a caption of the photos that feature one of the following rules:

  • Rule of thirds
  • Framing Device
  • Leading Lines
  • Symmetry
  • Pattern
  • Simplicity
  • Fill the Frame
  • Balance

Rules of Composition PPT

We will still have a final “exam” on finals day.  It will be 30 questions covering camera angles, camera settings, and rules of composition.  However, this exam will be counted as formative points, not summative. I provided study materials in the Important Links channel on Teams.

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