Authentic Portrait of Significance!

Authentic Portrait of Significance

Project Due: Tuesday April 30th

Worksheet Assignment on Teams Due: Friday April 5th

Project Criteria and Posting Instructions:

Authentic Portrait of Significance Instructions

Copy of the worksheet (but it’s also on Teams): Worksheet-Authentic Portrait of Significance

Worth 30 summative points total!

3 Edited Portraits of Your Chosen Subject- *(adult subject preferred*)

1. Headshot (shallow DOF)

2.Waist shot

3.Your choice:

  • ” environmental portrait” (full body shot showing surroundings that give us more insight into your subject.)
  • in action (subject interacting with prop or surroundings)
  • or another head or waist shot

Create a new post titled, “Authentic Portrait of Significance: [first name of your subject]”.

-Add the 3 edited portraits in one gallery w/ the following gallery settings: one column, medium size, link to media file. Include the camera settings in the captions of the 3 edited portraits! 5 points each=15 pts total

-Two paragraphs telling us about this person and why you chose them. 5 points

-One paragraph sharing what the portrait sitting experience was like. 5 points

-Add a second gallery with ALL the unedited photos you took during the portrait sitting. Settings: 4 columns, thumbnail size, link to media file. No captions. 5 points

Please take the time to check your writing for clarity, grammar, and spelling!


Technical: proper settings, good exposure/proper lighting, sharp focus, edited to enhance, and demonstrates appropriate depth of field.

Aesthetic: no unnecessary distractions in the background, proper framing (headshot is close enough, not too much headroom above subject, etc.), thoughtful camera angles and intentional composition.

Criteria: has all photos and paragraphs required, demonstrated planning & thoughtfulness, and followed posting instructions.


Student examples with their stories:

Student Examples of Authentic Portrait w/ Stories

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