Monday 4/26/21: Peer Photo Critique
Today’s Agenda:
- Answer the warm up question in the General channel on Teams (Aperture Quiz on Thursday!)
- Peer Photo Critique Assignment
- Work on missing projects and assignments
Peer Photo Critique
Visit the Photo 1 Gallery tab on THIS WEBSITE (NOT the class gallery wall on Padlet) to view your peer’s work from the latest depth of field projects: Shallow DOF Scavenger Hunt + Wide DOF Project (Environmental Portrait or Forced Perspective). These photos are in the first 6 rows.
Choose one shallow DOF photo you really love and one wide DOF photo you also love. They can’t be your own photos.
Copy and paste the photos onto a Word document and answer the following questions about each one:
- What is the main subject in the photo (or what is happening in the photo)?
- What camera angle was used?
- Do you see any rules of composition being used? If so, where and how? If not, which rule might have been easy to apply?
- What is the depth of field like in this photo? Did they achieve the correct DOF for the project that it’s for?
- What could have been improved in the photo? What do you love about the photo?