Monday 5/17/21: Blurred Motion, Light Painting, and Ghosts, Oh My!
Blurred Motion, Light Painting, and Ghosts, Oh My!
Experiment with slow shutter speeds and capturing blurred motion. If you feel more adventurous try ghost effects or light painting too! Submit your best 3 edited results to Teams by the end of Wednesday 5/19/21!
Pro tips:
- Prop up your phone on something or make sure your grip is VERY steady to eliminate any camera shake!
- This time, dim or dark situations are better! Remember, a slower shutter speed means more light will enter.
Free apps with shutter speed abilities (up to one full second):
- Adobe Lightroom Photo Editor: Lightroom App Screen Recording Demo
- RAW+:Raw+ App Screen Recording Demo
- Yamera: Yamera App Screen Recording Demo
For longer exposures (longer than 1 second) you can also try the following apps (some free some not). These are more ideal if you want to try “light painting”.
- Slow Shutter Cam
- Slow Shutter Fast Cam
- Easy Long Exposure Camera
Even without an app, you can capture blurred motion simply by photographing with your phone in dim lighting (evening, indoors at night, etc.) and have the action move faster for more blurring.
EdPuzzle Class Code: mupbuni