Tuesday 1/18/22: Gallery Walk + Intro to Macro Photography

Today’s Agenda:

  • Gallery Walk-2021 in Pictures
  • Macro Photography Notes

Gallery Walk

  • On your screen, display your My 2021 Year in Photos Project OR if you provided photos with your questions from Tuesday, you can share that instead.
  • If you don’t have either, then stay seated and work on your project. It’s past due!
  • Have a notebook or sheet of notebook paper out for others to write on when they visit your seat.
  • When you view someone else’s project (or assignment) answer the following questions about it:

What did you enjoy about viewing it?

Did you learn something new or relate to anything in their work?

Intro to Macro Photography

-Copy down the bold items in a notebook or Word document from the PPT below:

Macro Photography PowerPoint

Notes will be collected at a later date, so save them!

-Check out some student-produced “macro” photography:

Student Macro Photos


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