AdvPhoto 10/21/22: Blog Post-Preparing for Storytelling Project

“Preparing for Storytelling Through Photography Project”:

  • Create a blog post that informs your “audience” about what the Storytelling Through Photography project is about.
  • Share at least 5 tips from yesterday’s video in regard to preparing for a shoot as well as tips for the actual shoot.
  • Do a Google search to find more storytelling photography tips/advice.  Copy and paste the URL for at least one site that provides some good tips.
  • Use the handout provided to you (also provided in the post below) and start answering those questions on this blog post.  If you don’t have an answer for some of the questions yet, leave those blank (You’ll have to type the questions from the handout). But go back and edit this post once you have the rest of the answers!

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