P.4 Tuesday 1/31/23: Color Schemes Activity

Today’s Agenda:

  • You can take photos for your photo challenge indoors only today.
  • Begin the “Color Scheme Photos” blog assessment below, due tomorrow…

Color Scheme Photos-Blog Assessment

Color Schemes Photo

Step 1: Google Image search “color photography”

Step 2: Save a photographic image to demonstrate the following color schemes: (total of 8 photos)

  1. Primary Colors
  2. Secondary Colors
  3. Monochrome Color
  4. Complementary Colors: (in any shade or tint)
    1. Red & Green,
    2. Violet & Yellow,
    3. Orange & Blue
  5. Warm Colors
  6. Cool Colors

Step 3: Place the photos in a gallery on a blog post titled, “Color Scheme Photos”. Caption each photo with the color scheme it demonstrates.

Yay!  You’re done!  Turn in on Teams.




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