Authentic Portrait Project

Today’s Agenda:

  • Turn in missing work
  • Create Authentic Portrait Project Preparation PowerPoint

–>Go through this PowerPoint if you were absent 3/14/23:

Authentic Portraits Intro

–>Preparation PowerPoint: Due Friday March 17th Tuesday March 28th

Create a Powerpoint where you can type out the answers to the preparation guide below.

Revised Guide_Only the Pages you Need_w/ Sample Answers

Title your PPT “Authentic Portrait Project Preparation” and add your name + class period.

Your slide order should include only the following from the preparation guide:

  • Slide 1: Brainstorm (Step 1 in guide)- make a list of important adults in your life and narrow it down to one for this project. Make a list of things about your chosen subject.
  • Slide 2: Clarify your Vision (Step 2 in guide)-answer the questions about the vision you have for the portraits
  • Slide 3: Mapping Out the Flow (step 4 in guide)-provide your own “flow” and jot down some of the questions that help get the momentum going.
  • Slide 4: Approaching Subjects: summarize info and provide your own “script”.
  • Slide 5: Directing Subjects: summarize info and copy some of the directional tips that you could use in your shoot.

Revised Guide_Only the Pages you Need_w/ Sample Answers

Authentic Portrait Preparation COMPLETE Guide-Blank

–>Portrait of Significance PROJECT:

Due: Monday April 3rd April 10th

-You must choose an adult in your life for this project. Someone that you love, admire, or respect.

-Post 3-4 portraits and include 2 paragraphs explaining who the person is and why you chose them for your significance portrait project. Include information that you gathered from your interview questions.

Student examples of this project: Authentic Portraits PPT

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