Wednesday 12/1/21: Identifying Portrait Lighting Patterns

Today’s Agenda:

  • Complete yesterday’s notes and turn them in
  • Portrait Lighting Patterns Activity

Portrait Lighting Pattern Activity

Due today!

Use Google Images to search for “portrait photography” + the lighting pattern name to find portraits that use the patterns you took notes on.  You need one portrait per lighting pattern.  Once you have all 6 put them in a gallery on a blog post titled, “6 Portrait Lighting Patterns”.  Caption each photo with the lighting pattern it represents.

  • Split lighting
  • Loop lighting
  • Rembrandt lighting
  • Butterfly lighting
  • Broad Lighting
  • Short Lighting

If the file does not load on Edublogs, you may need to use the Snipping Tool to take a screen shot of it. Just use the search bar to find the tool.

The link below shows the same 6 light patterns again in case you want to see them on a different person.

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